At Kreider Farms, we take pride in the community involvement and outreach programs that we participate in and this month we want to talk about one that is near and dear to our heart; the World Vision Global 6K for Water.
The World Vision Global 6K for Water is just that; a global event that provides clean water. Thousands of communities and individuals at hundreds of host sites throughout the country and around the world all come together on May 16th and walk, run or even push a stroller to help provide clean water to those in underdeveloped countries without access. Last year more than 60,000 people participated worldwide to bring life-changing clean water to children in need!
Why Water?
Think about the last time you were thirsty. I bet all you had to do was walk over to your refrigerator or faucet sink and pour yourself a nice, cool refreshing glass of water. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy for those in developing countries around the world.
Kenya, West Pokot County
Every day, nearly 1,000 children die from sickness caused by not having access to clean water and more than 800 of those children are under the age of five; that’s more than AIDS and malaria combined. 785 million people around the world lack an access to clean water: that’s about one in every ten people! But the good news is that World Vision believes the global water and sanitation crisis can be solved within our lifetimes and their impact is apparent:
Every 10 seconds, a new person receives clean water from World Vision and in 2017, 3.2 million people received clean water through their efforts.
Why 6K?
Instead of holding a traditional 5K or 10K, the 6K holds significance in that 6 kilometers (or 3.73 miles) is the average distance that people (often women and children) in underdeveloped countries walk each day to their water source to collect roughly 40 pounds of water each day. World Vision estimates that women and girls combined spend 200 million hours hauling water every day.
So, what does this have to do with me?
With your help, Kreider’s can help make an impact on these communities forever; all you have to do is join us on May 16th! In our first two years of being a host site for the 6K, we’ve provided clean water to over 5,000 people! 100% of every $50 registration goes to World Vision and with that, they can dig wells and provide water for one person for life!
You have the ability to make an impact and change lives of children like Cheru. Take a look at her story:
Not a runner?
Good News, you don’t have to be! The 6K is about so much more than finishing first or getting first prize, its about raising awareness and coming together as a community to change lives. Our 6K route will wind around our homestead farm in Manheim, PA. Get an inside peak at who we are and what life’s like out on the farm! Afterwards, stay and enjoy some drinks and light refreshments. Our 100ft silo observation tower will be open to climb for spectacular views of our farm from above!
Ready to sign up?
Join us on May 16th on our farm here in Manheim!
To register, you can scan the QR code below or click here to register.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. For more information on World Vision please visit their website here.